Tuesday, November 12, 2013


2face married Annie, after many years of flirting with oda women, why? Bcuz he knows no oda woman contributed 2 his life as much as Annie.
*Van Vicker did d same thing, marrying d girl
he met wen he was just 15yrs old.
*Peter of P,square is towing that same line, proposing to his GF of many yrs.
What do u learn 4rm this men? They have seen a lot of women in their life...yet, dey went back 2dt one woman who stood by Dem wn dey were nobody.
There is
nothing as sweet as d love of dt woman who drank garri with you, who slept with u on ur hard floor without a bed, who
endured all ur youthful mischiefs, who
didn't care what u had or what u didn't
have. Their love is pure, sweet and innocent.
They are obedient, considerate,
understanding, supportive, somtyms
stubborn but very submissive, why? Bcuz
they know what you went through to make it in life. When u tell a woman who knows hw u suffered to make it, to sit, she'll sit. She respects u:). She saw u become a man not b.cuz of wt she was told. She saw u struggle it out.
She is ur real wife!!so guys Pls lets stop CARO things :p cu'z ADA ADA is d woman 2 our life+
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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